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While I was looking into bags I came across these bags designed by Hunter. The shape isn't something I'd want to experiment with but the material used and finishings of the bag is that what I want to achieve. I've been using a leather like material which gives good shape and structure without using a product that has come from an animal, which with my vegan lifestyle I try to find alternatives that aren't products of animals. As well as the overall aesthetic of the bag I also liked the fastening which is like that of the Mackintosh/Alyx collection, the heavy weight side release buckle is something I want to carry through in both projects. 

I like how utility wear can be made more contemporary, It's these small details that I want to include in my accessory. The next step for me is to start experimenting with these buckles to see how I can attach it to the bag and also look into which fabric I can use for my bag. I need to figure out size and shape for my bag which will all start coming together in the next few weeks. 


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Final Images

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